Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another way to do mobile favorites-Tinyhomepage

  Previously I discussed syncing your web favorites across multiple PC’s and mobile devices. Some people might not want to do all of that or are looking for a simpler interface.  Or perhaps they do not have a Smartphone.

Enter Tinyhomepage. Get it here:  Tinyhomepage


You can create a free account and put in custom web links and icons which display in a very simple format.  Easily accessible on even the smallest, simplest, cell phone with minimal loading times.  It is best suited to WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) formatted pages. WAP pages are simplistic versions of web pages without all the normal fluff so they display easily on “ dumb phones”.

Even with a Smartphone or PDA’s full featured browser it is useful for quick navigation to your favorite sites. You can create as many links as you want and they can be for any website.

  I recommend that you setup the account and links on a normal PC browser to make it easy.  Then on your cell phone, type in the tinyhomepage URL and login.  All your links are displayed!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

For technorati

Disreguard this post.

Technorati Profile

Have a Question? Want to see an Article? Ideas for topics? Please Send in your feedback!

  Feel free to email me at Rocket mail icon

  Idea for a future article, comments, or need something answered?  Hit me up!





A Browser for all Systems- Opera.

   A lot of people use more than one PC in today's busy world. Some of us even use more than one type of operating system.  Maybe Windows at work and Mac at home.  Add into the equation mobile smart phones and you can have a mash up of various software platforms. 

One thing I like to do is sync my Web favorites.  But with all different type of operating systems this can be hard to do easily.  There are some applications that provide this type of service, but nothing that automates this very easy.

The Opera web browser has a function that saves your favorites to all your PC’s running opera no matter what operating system. Download here:  Opera Browser

--  Opera can be installed to: any windows PC, any Mac , Blackberry, Most smart phones, Linux, windows mobile,  and even Solaris.  By creating a Opera account here : Opera Link you can then sign into the favorites sync in any Opera browser.

  The Opera browser has actually been around quite a while. First launched in 1996.  For whatever reason they do not advertise as much as other popular browsers like Firefox or Safari.

Example.  I have Opera installed on my Vista PC, Mac OS-X Mac book, my MSI wind net book on both the Ubuntu Linux and “hackintosh” OS, my blackberry 8330 curve and Blackberry Storm, and a Old windows mobile PDA I use on Wi-Fi.  When I save a favorite or delete a favorite website on any of those, it syncs to all those devices.

Opera Mini on Cell phone.

opera mini demo

  Not only does it do this well, but it has some decent plug-in features, easy theme customization, and highly configurable security settings.  You can choose from thousands of widgets and plug-in's just like other popular browsers.  I have mine open a folder of four pages upon startup ( Google, Gmail, yahoo, and zenbe mail) rather than just one homepage. Also I have a facebook and Twitter plug-in that give me updates right through the browser sidebar. It also features tabbed browsing, mouse gestures ( a must have!), download manager, and malware and phishing protection.

--Get Opera mini for your mobile phone here : Opera Mini Unfortunately no Iphone support-natch!

--Even if you do use it as your primary Web browser, it is a simple way to sync favorites from one PC to your mobile device.

Use a Throw Away Email Address

   On occasion people ask me to set up untraceable email accounts for them.  Other people I know hate giving away their email address to sites that require it for registration or for info purposes.  Almost every Web site requires some form of identity registration to access certain functions or information.  Unfortunately many of these sites also “sell” your email to companies which then spam you.


Sure you could make as many free webmail accounts as you want. Google, Yahoo, Live mail, ect. offer as many free email address as you care to register for.  However, I realize some people do not want to do that either.

The other option is 10 minute email! 10 Minute mail

This is a free service.  They ask for PayPal donation if you use it regularly which is acceptable- but not mandatory.

They create a random email the is good to use for 10 minutes by default.  You can option to increase the usable time limit. It shows a inbox right on the page so if a sites needs email verification you can view that email.  Also you can copy the 10 minute email can paste it in a text file for safe keeping if you need to.  After 10 minutes it self destructs and is no longer valid.  Perfect for registering onto a forum you need info from for a specific problem but do not plan to ever visit again.  Sometimes to download free software or updates, sites require personal info. This would be good for that as well.


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Saturday, May 23, 2009

A few Vista Keyboard Tricks


  Key commands and shortcuts are becoming a lost art.  This is due to super intense GUI ( graphical user interface) menus for programs and such.  Keyboard shortcuts are usually quicker than the mouse and great when you walk by and need to do something quick or just multitask better.

Here are a few Vista keyboard shortcuts I like to teach people.

-- Sometimes you may find yourself in a rush but need to go back to your PC to turn it off.

Press “Start” key. Then tap the right arrow key three times. Then hit the letter “ U” . It will shutdown the PC.  This key shortcut can be done as fast as you can type. For whatever reason this always impresses people who do not know it when I do it.

You can substitute “R” to reboot machine in the key sequence above.

--  On the bottom left of your taskbar you may see icons that you can click for fast launching of installed programs.  In Vista, the first is usually “show desktop” and the second is “aero flip” feature.

Quick launch

By pressing and holding the “Start” key and hitting a number on number pad, it will launch the program in the list.  So in the pic above we can see that my Maxthon browser icon is the blue circle with white M. To quick launch that I would press and hold Start and the hit the number “3” since it’s third from left.  The seventh icon is the ITunes program. Start + 7 would launch that program.

--  You can also change desktop icon size really easy also.

Just hold CTRL and scroll your mouse wheel up and down to quickly change the icon size.

--  To minimize all open windows and show right to desktop hold “Start” + “D”

--  To lock the system so you can walk away and not have anybody see your work or use your PC hold “Start” + “L”

--  Bring Sidebar gadgets to from and activate the sidebar Hold “Start “+ “SPACEBAR”

--  My two favorites are CTRL+C for copy and CTRL+V for paste since you can do that with one hand and not have to leave control of the mouse with your right hand.


In our fast paced world, sometimes every second counts!

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Easy Port Forwarding on your Router

  Port Forwarding on a high speed router or modem is pretty hard to explain to a newbie much less have them do it alone.

Some programs that run on any PC platform sometimes need special access through the home router. This may be because of an advanced type of connection like VPN, Torrents, or VOIP. Or for performance issues like lag time on PC games, Xbox, PS3 ect.

A port forward direct internet traffic directly to the host PC or game system or whatever. It bypasses all the firewall protocols that would stop or slow it down.  Most applications that require this will tell you.  Most gamers would know to research which ports to use but may not know how to do it.


It can automatically do this process for you by answering a few simple questions.  Or there are instructions on almost all of the commercial home routers and modem router combo’s.

FYI* if you had your home network setup by someone else make sure you have user name and password for router!  Not the same thing as a wireless password.  Some people change this on setup and others leave it alone.  For safety, it should always be changed from factory default.

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Confirm Email Delivery to a Blackberry

bb logo 



I love My blackberry and also working with other people’s BlackBerry's.  “There’s an app for that”.  Ok iphone, we’ve had most of the useful stuff and we can run more than one app a time, ect.. But that’s a fight for another day. 

  Sometimes you just want to make sure a important email get delivered so the recipient can’t wiggle out with any excuse.  With this little trick you can.


In your subject line just type “ <confirm> “ – without quotes of course.  When email hits the blackberry you will get a return receipt in your email inbox.  Now if they read it is a whole other story..

This is good for BlackBerry's on personal use ( BIS ), corporate (BES), or even email accounts they may have pushed to their blackberry like Gmail, hotmail, Zenbe, ect.

10 Things Your IT Guy Wants You to Know

  I read this from a Blog, who copied it from another Blog, who coped it from a site that does not exist anymore.  However, it is so true and bears repeating. I could not put it into words better!




1. If you ask me technical questions please don’t argue with me because you don’t like my answer. If you think you know more about the topic, why ask? And if I’m arguing with you…it’s because I am positive that I am correct, otherwise I’d just say “I don’t know” or give you some tips on where to look it up, I don’t have the time to just argue for the sake of it.
2. Starting a conversation by insulting yourself (i.e. “I’m such an idiot”) will not make me laugh, or feel sorry for you;  all it will do is remind me that yes, you are an idiot and that I am going to hate having to talk to you. Trust me;  you don’t want to start a call that way.
3. I am OK with you making mistakes, fixing them is my job. I am not OK with you lying to me about a mistake you made. It makes it much harder to resolve and thus makes my job more difficult. Be honest and we can get the problem resolved and continue on with our business.
4. There is no magic “Fix it” button. Everything takes some amount of work to fix, and not everything is worth fixing or even possible to fix. If I say that you just need to re-do a document that you accidentally deleted 2 months ago, please don’t get mad at me.  I’m not ignoring your problem, and it’s not that I don’t like you, I just can’t always fix everything.
5. Not everything you ask me to do is “urgent”. In fact, by marking things as “urgent” every time, you almost ensure that I treat none of it as a priority.
6. You are not the only one who needs help, and you usually don’t have the most urgent issue. Give me some time to get to your problem, it will get fixed.
7. Emailing me several times about the same issue in the same day is not only unnecessary, it’s highly annoying. Emails will stay until I delete them. I won’t delete them until I’m done with them. I will typically respond as soon as I have a useful update. If it is an urgent issue, let me know (see number 5).
8. Yes, I prefer email over telephone calls. It has nothing to do with being friendly, it’s about efficiency. It is much faster and easier for me to list out a set of questions that I need you to answer than it is for me to call and ask you them one by one. You can find the answers at your leisure and while I’m waiting I can work on other problems.
9. Yes, I seem blunt and rude. It’s not that I mean to, I just don’t have the time to sugar coat things for you. I assume we are both adults and can handle the reality of a problem. If you did something wrong, I will tell you. I don’t care that it was a mistake, because it really makes no difference to me. Don’t take it personal, I just don’t want it to happen again.
10. And finally, yes, I can read your email, I can see what web pages you look at while you are at work, yes, I can access every file on your work computer, and I can tell if you are chatting with people on an instant messenger or chat room (and can also read what you are typing). But no, I don’t do it. It’s unethical, I’m busy, and in all reality you aren’t all that interesting. So unless I am instructed to specifically monitor or investigate your actions, I don’t. There really are much more interesting things on the internet than you.

The point of that article is one that everyone wants to make, whether they are in IT, or are testers, consultants, or engineers. The point is we are all trying to do our jobs the best that we can and it’s easiest to do that if we all work together, stop pointing fingers and give other people the space that we would like to get as well. If we can do that more often than not, things will go well and work out.

More free music!

Check this link over at Amazon which lists all the free mp3’s.

Sure it’s a real random mix and a lot of unknown artists; but you never know when you might find something you like.  Plus it’s a great way to boost your music collection or fill a mp3 player your giving to someone as a gift. 

Save You Tube Vids to Your PC or Mobile Device

   I often am asked how to download You Tube videos to a file for storage on a PC.  Also choosing which format to save it in varies from person to person based on what they want to do with it. is a free site and service that automates this process.

--  When you load up the page, you will see the green header with box to type in the URL.  The URL is the exact page of the You Tube video. Often, on the Video page it will have this link labeled just under the user channel.  Just copy this and paste into grab-tube URL box.

--  After a minute or so it will load a preview page and a download link to save to your PC.  It will be in .flv format but the next step will convert to any format.  Just remember what folder you saved it to on your PC.  FLV are flash videos for adobe flash player. Some people may find this is all they need.  \

Next step is optional.


--  Once downloaded, go back to grab-tube homepage.  Under the green header is a media choice ( browse from your PC) and format to convert to.  You can do mp3, mp4, 3gp ( most cell phones), AVi ( good for most PC’s and laptops), flv, and MPG.  It will upload and convert the file to any of those formats.  This process can take a few minutes to ten or fifteen minutes depending on factors.  It will then give you a final download link. Save and then copy to mobile phone or other PC’s. 

Super simple!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wolfram Alpha Search Engine

  The Wolfram Alpha search engine is a new method of finding information on the internet.

  It’s a service that answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from structured data, instead of providing a list of documents or web pages that might contain the answer.  Anything from complex math, Chemistry, Financial, Science, and even just random facts.

It results are sometimes amazing and other times downright strange.  You can query anything and it will try to give you an answer rather than just a bunch of links.

Here’s a couple of cool things I tried.

-I typed in “hello” and it’s response was “ hello human”.

-I asked “ what is answer of life” and it responded “42” which is a nod to Douglas Adams.

-“Pea soup” gave me a list of ingredients, nutrition facts, and even some chemical breakdown.

-“tallest gravestone” confused it.

-“ average life expectancy of a Slovenian male” gave me answer of 73.04 years.

  I would advise anyone to play around with it and make it your first choice when searching for raw data on the web.

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PDF Readers and Print to PDF

  PDF files (Portable Document Format) have been around for some time.  PDF’s can be useful for some and a hassle for others.  I personally think with today's PC document options that it’s a bit outdated due to it’s limitations. 

--  The most common PDF reader is from Adobe. They hold the patents and anyone can download their PDF reader free of charge.  However, they are security concerns with versions 7, 8, and 9.  It’s also a huge program that seems to have succumbed to bloat and useless features.

*  By default, PDF reader from Adobe ( 7,  8,  9) has JavaScript enabled by default.  This actually a huge security issue. PDF do not need JavaScript and turning it off will not change how it works.  A few “holes” exists that can allow hackers to execute remote code through JavaScript.  To fix: open Adobe reader, choose “edit”, then “preferences”, choose “JavaScript” on left column and uncheck “enable JavaScript”.

--Alternative to Adobe reader.

  Foxit reader is a smaller and a bit safer PDF reader.

It’s free for the basic reader. The pro version can create PDF’s and has full features.  Most people will be fine with the free version.

--Print to PDF.

  This is one of my favorite applications.  CutePDF writer allows you to print files straight to PDF format.

This is great for online receipts, backing up emails, or for use on online list or spreadsheet programs.  You can just select the CutePDF printer when you click print on your PC.  Then just save in your documents folder.  This great for saving on paper but still allows you to “print” all the web documents now have to deal with.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Retro Brick phone. Neat gadget!

  I would hope it comes with a stock Hall and Oats or NKOTB ringtones.


It works on GSM networks.  Now you can be just like Zack Morris!

Kryder’s Law. Ultra geek Theory


Mark Kryder is Seagate’s senior VP or research and chief technology officer. He is also an authority on development of magnetic and magneto-optic data storage.

Kyder’s law is based on Moore’s law  Where PC computing power based on hardware has a predictable exponential growth curve.

Kryder’s Law basically states “ ..for storage drives: Since the introduction of the disk drive in 1956, the density of information it can record has swelled from a paltry 2,000 bits to 100 billion bits (gigabits), all crowded in the small space of a square inch. That represents a 50-million-fold increase.”

In other words data that can be stored on any kind of disk is growing rapidly.  By calculating the growth trends in disk storage, we can see it actually outpaces Moore’s law.  The CPU processing power required to use all that data will soon be eclipsed by the amount of sheer data.  This is a problem. 

If CPU’s don’t increase at a equal rate, things will slow down.  It is like overloading a car with a small motor. The motor will struggle to haul all that weight.

We can already see this effect in Mobile phones, Portable music players, and even some laptops.  There is more than enough room to store files but not enough processor power to give the appearance of a speedy system.

Kryder also states that there is not as much incentive to develop faster CPU architecture as there is data storage.  This is based on the fact of the popularity of media players and smart phones.

I to believe the general public looks more toward how much a device will hold rather than how it performs.  Ask yourself this, would you rather have a MP3 player that hold more music or one that access data faster?  I do not think it would be wrong to choose one that holds more data, but it only helps prove the theory that data storage is sometimes given priority.

I also believe the answer to this is data storage  “in the cloud”.  Things like web desktops, virtual drives hosted on a server, or home network storage drives.  We’ll see if future developments prove me correct.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Podcast is now live!

The podcast I co-produce and co-host is now finally up. It’s our first episode, so there are a few things we need to improve. You can download the show here

The Itunes subscription feed is now up. Click here fo Itunes

Or you can download from the live breathe tech blog. The RSS feed is there if you use a different podcatcher.

Feel free to comment here, on the LBT blog, or email us at the live breathe tech podcast at

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Konami Code sites

Older Nintendo gamers will get a kick out of this site. The old cheat code has been used on various website to hidden "easter eggs". Easter eggs are little hidden features or novelty that is usually hidden by programmers. These can be found in everything from video games, DVD's, and websites.
The old Konami Code was up, up, down,down,left, right,left, right, B, A, Start. Used on many Konami games for extra lives or other game cheats.

Try it on the facebook site next time you are there.

Konami Code site lists all of the websites this code can be used. You will have to perform the code on your keyboard before you can enter though. Use key "S" for the start action.

This site also explains and lists other types of Easter Egg's.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Free music, sample, ringtones! The legal way.

  There are lots of ways to get free, legitimate, and useful files on the internet.  You just have to know where to look.

Here is a list and explanation of some of the best.

1.  list of links   (

This is a website aggregator of many sites offering free music.  Anything from mp3’s of new music from to old time radio shows from the 40’s and 50’s.  It a constantly updating list that covers many different aspects of music.


This is another aggregator site but geared toward the aspiring DJ geek.


Another section of  This helps you finds ringtones based on you music interest.  Please note that you really must have a Smartphone or PDA as most flip phones or “dumb phones” do not have the ability to simply copy over ringtone samples.


Sound effects of all types that are completely free to download and use for whatever you want. This can be useful if your making a digital movie on your PC and want to add some spice.  Or to make a really unique Voice mail greeting.  ( just hold you cell phone up to the speaker on your PC).

Of course you are going to have to wade around these sites to find what you like.  If you want the latest top 40 music, your probably not going to find it here either. But if you want to look for some new music or just boost your MP3 collection, these sites are a great start.

Test your internet speed

A lot of people ask me about the high speed internet service they subscribe to. Usually focusing around a specific problem. When I ask what kind of Speeds they are paying for, they often have no idea.

How could you pay for something and not know what you actually getting?

Testing download and upload speed can be useful for a few reasons.

1. Make sure you actually getting what your ISP ( internet service provider) claims you paying for on your contract.

2. Determine if you have enough bandwidth if your going to be adding PC’s to your network. Or maybe you are purchasing a new internet based gaming system. Households with lots of teens often find their internet bandwidth insufficient.

3. If you at a Wifi hotspot, you could run this to make sure that work folder you are going to download will not take all afternoon.

Goto , choose closest server ( it will give you a few choices right away and usually the first one is fine), and just wait for results. Takes less than a minute.

It will also show you some other statistics. Your “ ping” or latency is listed which is important for online gamers.

Your IP address is also shown, which can be useful for setting up certain internal network applications.

It will also give you a graph of common file download times based on your tested speed. Also times based on you upload speed. Knowing how long file transfers will approximately take to finish can be useful in conjunction with shutdown timers for your PC.

You can also get a linkable widget that you can post to show off your nerd lust. seems to be the most accurate and have the most features of all the testing sites i have tried out. You can also see what others have rated based on service or speed for any particular ISP. A good idea whe shopping for a new ISP.

It is not something you would do everyday perhaps, but defiantly something to bookmark and use every few months.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Use Google Via sms on any Cell phone

Don’t have a Smartphone? Still rocking that Motorola Razor? No problem- you can still get things done with Google.

By texting to 46645 or GOOGL, you can have almost any question answered-even driving directions.

Just type in starting point , the word “to” and destination.

-Business listings can also be searched.

Try typing in “ pizza 44125” where 44125 is zip code that your located in.

-You can also do residential phonebook listings.

Just type in first and last name , city and state. Or last name and zip code. Any combination will work.

-Find prices from Froogle, Google's online shopping engine.

type “iPod touch prices”.

-Definitions for words also.

Type “ define crepuscular”. Substitute any word for crepuscular.

There is no limit to what you can search and the service is free provided you have texting on your cell plan from your Cell provider.

Alternative to Photoshop

  Lot of people would love to own Adobe Photoshop.  But it’s  expensive, especially for the high-end versions.  The elements and “light” version do not have all the functionality built in.

If you ever wanted to learn photo manipulation or just have a useable alternative to Photoshop, try Gimp.

Gimp stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GNU stands for General public License.

GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.

GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted. “

Give it a try, you may end up with a new skill.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

5 Free Essential Apps for any Windows PC

  Often I am given a new PC by friend or family to set up.  Or a PC that’s been gummed up by spyware. When I go to tweak or rebuild the system, these are the five main applications I install.


Passive Browser protection that helps lock down IE from installing common spyware.  Update and run once a month.

Spybot Search and Destroy

A Swiss army knife of spyware protection tools. It also has a passive Browser wall that is good for most common browsers including Firefox and Opera. It also has a scanning tool that rival big-name Virus protection software.  While it will not always remove virus and Trojan's , it is often a faster way to determine is any is residing on your system.



A PC “de-gunker” that does a much better job at removing temp files and other accumulated garbage that soaks up valuable space. It has some advanced registry features however for most users they can disregard this.  Just watch when you install it as it tries to put in a yahoo toolbar ( they have to make money somehow).


Auslogics Disk Defrag

Fast, free and easy.  What more could one ask.  It’s clearly better than built in Windows defrag ( although windows defrag is built off same software foundation). Do this once a month on all your drives.


Alzip archive utility

Deal nicely with all type of archive files; .rar, .zip, ect.  Runs super fast, integrates with windows menu’s nicely, and is spyware free.

It does display some tiny ads in some menu’s when your using it, but it is not too bad considering it is free.

The podcast site is now up

  I will be joining Nathan ( @oscillator) and Will (@willthetech), on the “Live and Breath Tech” show.

We plan to have a podcast up soon this week and hopefully the feeds ready so you can subscribe in Itunes.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Going Live. Updates for May

So is now live and the Blog is moving along nicely. I have many articles and subjects that are in draft right now.

Live & Breathe Tech is the companion blog and upcoming Podcast! Myself and two other guys will be producing a weekly tech and social media podcast and RSS stream very soon.

Stay tuned for details!

Don't forget the Rambling of a Geek mailer. Send "i want to be a geek" in subject line to to be on our update mailer!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Vista Shutdown Timer (edit 5-4-09)

A great freeware application for Windows Vista users. It also looks like there is some compatibility for older versions of Windows.

vista shutdown timer

It has a nice GUI ( Graphical User Interface) or can be run by command line for old school geeks.

Get it free here:

Edit, why would you want this? Excellent point.

1. force yourself to take a break, don't overwork yourself.

2. listen to music on your laptop before you sleep and have Vista shut down for you

3. if you downloading a large file and have to leave, you could set it for enough time to finish

4. set timers to manage childrens time spent on PC

5. makes "1 click" options to easily restart or shutdown pc

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