Saturday, May 23, 2009

Easy Port Forwarding on your Router

  Port Forwarding on a high speed router or modem is pretty hard to explain to a newbie much less have them do it alone.

Some programs that run on any PC platform sometimes need special access through the home router. This may be because of an advanced type of connection like VPN, Torrents, or VOIP. Or for performance issues like lag time on PC games, Xbox, PS3 ect.

A port forward direct internet traffic directly to the host PC or game system or whatever. It bypasses all the firewall protocols that would stop or slow it down.  Most applications that require this will tell you.  Most gamers would know to research which ports to use but may not know how to do it.


It can automatically do this process for you by answering a few simple questions.  Or there are instructions on almost all of the commercial home routers and modem router combo’s.

FYI* if you had your home network setup by someone else make sure you have user name and password for router!  Not the same thing as a wireless password.  Some people change this on setup and others leave it alone.  For safety, it should always be changed from factory default.

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